March 29th, 2008
Carson Center - Carson, CaliforniaA social organization of
Pioneer Motorcycling Enthusiasts meeting annually since 1940
Link to Tom Cates Memorial Bike Show2008 Trailblazer
Hall of Fame InducteesStu Peters, Russ Collins, Gary Bryson, Sparky Edmonston, C.H.Wheat, Steve Hurd, Kim Kimball,
and Gary Mahan for father Dennis Mahan,
Hammer award winner.Carson City Mayor Jim Dear greets the the Trailblazers Banquet
while MCs Tom White and Keith Mashburn look on. Stu
Steve Hurd Russ Collins
C. H. WheatKim "Viva Montesa" Kimdall Sparky Edmonston
Lifetime Achivement -
Gary BrysonHammer Award Winner - Dennis MahanSkip Van Leeuwen peeks over Chuck Mahan's shoulder as Chuck reads a letter from his father,
Hammer Award Winner, Dennis Mahan. Dennis was sent by his employer, K&N Filters on a mission to Japan.
Marvin Mahan holds the Hammer trophy as his sister Debbie Morgan looks on.
This is a photo from the Trailblazers 2007 Banquet when Dennis was the decoy Hammer winner
to keep board member Skip Veeuwen from knowing who the real 2007 winner was!
Trailblazer Hall of Famer Cindy Rutherford, explains her entrance to the Tom Cates Bike Show!Guests from the state of Washington, Mr. amd Mrs. Bob Lamperer. C.
H. and Sparky
Tom White and Tom
Hensley Pat
the Triumph Service Manager
Max Bubeck Mike Konle, Sammy Tanner, Skip Van Leewen and Gene Romero
Link to Tom Cates Memorial Bike Show